BTS Jimin, the first idol to have a special lighting show at Busan Tower...The best birthday gift ever.
To mark Jimin's birthday (October 13), a member of the group BTS, a special lighting show will be held at Busan Tower, the first landmark of Busan.
Jimin's large Chinese fanbase "Jimin Bar China" announced Jimin's 27th birthday support PART 20. LIGHT OF SETTING SUN.
The two-hour lighting show, which runs from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the 13th, Jimin's birthday, covers the entire 120-meter-high Busan Tower with the phrase "HAPPY JIMIN DAY," meaning to celebrate Jimin's birthday.
It is a fandom's gift with the hope that "the light of the Busan Tower, where this lighting show is held, will be a lighthouse that shines well like Jimin."
The Busan Tower, where the project is underway, is located in Yongdusan Park and is loved by Busan citizens and tourists with a total height of 120m. The fan club chose this place because Jimin recommended Yongdusan Park, a place with memories in Busan.
In the meantime, he also expressed pride in Jimin, saying, "This project was able to be completed due to Jimin's outstanding popularity and high positive percentage, who has been ranked No. 1 in personal brand reputation for 33 consecutive months."
Jimin Bar China said, "Jimin went to Seoul in search of his dream over everything he accumulated in Busan," adding, "For us, Jimin is a voyage full of treasures." We admire him riding the wind in this sea and love his strong ties with his hometown of Busan. "I hope our top adventurer Jimin will bravely move forward with the blessing from his hometown," he said, blessing Jimin's future and sincerely cheering and touching.
Jimin Bar China, the world's first, first, and first idol cheering for Jimin (BTS) every year, is drawing keen attention to the amazing another level support class, which is constantly announced by heralding a new project called Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Jimin Land.
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